Saving Search Parameters

Save your Parameters feature was designed to help save you time and organize various Screens you use everyday.

Here are 5 Tips & Hints for Help with Saving your Parameters from Screener pages:

1) Users will be able to "Save" a set of Parameters, Label, & store them for quick user later. Once you have Saved & Labeled your parameters, they will be accessible from a Drop Down Menu at the Top of the Covered Call Screener. This way, you can quickly select your saved Parameter Screen & the information will auto fill the boxes below. 

2) Users can (of course) always Edit / adjust Parameters & Save an Existing Screen. Example: you run a "Saved Screen" for "June Highly Rated Stocks" and decide you want to lower your Maximum Ratings from 2.5 to 2.1. You can do this by simply editing the existing screen, then "Screen Again" and Save Existing.

3) Users can also SAVE as a New Screen. (as in the example above: You ran a Screen for "June Highly Rated Stocks" and wish to KEEP it but also wish to save those Parameters as a New Month as well (say 2016 LEAPS). This Way you have Highly Rated "June" and Highly Rated "2016 LEAPs".

4) Users can also view and Run OptionScanner's Pre-defined Lists to get ideas and also modify and Save them as Their Own depending on their own personal settings. This item can be very helpful to NEW USERS and Beginners trying out the system or becoming comfortable with the Screening Process. Note: When Screening for these Pre-defined lists, OptionScanner Staff often removes or hides certain stocks or options from the results page that offer too much risk or may have very negative news. 

5) The System is very Flexible and allows for Multiple Saving Options for Multiple Months. Users Can also View A list of their Screens From a master List (from the main page). This way you can ReScreen/ Edit items quickly, view the Live Results or Delete items as you please. Remember, users must first Save/Label Parameters before this Master List populates.

For more HELP, Contact us or call us at: (203) 325-1171. or get started and View Feature now 

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